Top 5 Best Javascript Libraries

Javascript Libraries

WOLFx 4 min read
Published on: Sept. 21, 2021
Last Updated on: Aug. 3, 2022


Javascript has been around since all the web we know of now was in its infancy. Javascript is a popular language for web development because it is very easy to learn, requires minimum setup, and provides modern programming paradigms like object Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), dynamic typing, just in time compiled, and much more.

Development with javascript is supported by big tech giants and small players alike which includes Google, Facebook, Amazon, PayPal, LinkedIn, Netflix, Uber, Nasa, GoDaddy, Medium, eBay, Mozilla, and many more due to these obvious reasons.

Apart from its inherent advantages, Javascript enjoys rich support from the developer community who constantly develops new, creative, and time-saving libraries to reduce the development time curve. It not only solves mundane tasks but also allows the developers to focus more on the logical side of web development.

Even at WOLFx Digital Agency, we are a fan of some open-source Javascript Libraries which help quicken the development.



Many will argue that JQuery is now an obsolete deal, due to the influx of new technologies like React, Angular and Vue which support much more modern ways of implementing javascript code in the web development process.

But there is no ignoring the fact that JQuery is one of the best deals when it comes to explaining to new developers how to leverage the power of javascript without bloated semantics. 

It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. Jquery allows front-end web developers to write their front-end logic quickly.



A carousel/slider is a recurring deal in any web development endeavor. Apart from a normal button click slide navigation we also need to accommodate for newer trends like gesture sliding, lazy loading, breakpoint, infinite looping, arrow key support, autoplay, reference dots, etc.

All these features are not natively available in javascript with a magic function, here is where Slick Slider comes in.

Slick is a JQuery plugin that provides all these mentioned functionalities and has a very small code footprint, which makes debugging and transferring speed extremely fast even on a device with slow internet speed. Slick is highly customizable hence it makes a great deal when it comes to choosing the ultimate slider plugin.



JSON Editor is by far the most efficient and advance javascript library if you want to make dynamic forms or complex nested forms.

JSON Editor allows you to define a schema for your forms in JSON format which in turn will render the form according to the schema format, you can create highly complex forms which supports recursion of form fields, support for different types of data fields, subsetting forms, supports CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Spectre, Tailwind internally.

JSON Editor is also compatible with other JS libraries that support custom input UI widgets like Select2, AutoComplete, Choices, FlatPickr, Signature Pad, DOM Purifier.

With JSON Editor can create a custom question and answer app, recursive comment thread, dynamic form without requiring any backend code.



In times where data visualization is booming due to smart dashboard features, and more of the web development domain demanding support to display analytical data in a user-friendly way, many solutions are proposed to obtain desired results.

Chart JS is a javascript library that helps front-end developers make various types of charts without writing complex CSS or Javascript. It comes loaded with 8 categories of chart types and each category has a subcategory that mostly covers all your requirements. It is pre-animated which makes your user experience smooth, allows customization of colors, mixing different charts, adding dataset afterload, without compromising on performance.



Three JS is a modern WEBGL library that is very powerful if you want to create, manipulate and play with 3d models in the browser. Three JS is not just limited to 3d renders but is also used for implementing complex transitions, fluid animations in 2d websites.

Three JS is your companion for creating Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for websites, it is also cross-compatible and enjoys wide support in most modern web browsers.

Three JS supports multiple models types ranging from “.OBJ” to “.GTLF”. It also boasts strong fundamentals like mesh manipulations, textures, light types, camera objects, object shadows, world traversing, proximity, and gyro responsiveness which opens the gate for complex 3d projects in your browser just using javascript.



The initiatives undertaken by talented developers to keep javascript relevant even after so many years is commendable. They not only bring freshness to this language but also solve a lot of modern web development problems faced by many new developers. The above list is in no specific order it is a compilation of javascript libraries which we feel need recognition and love from whoever reading this.

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